The party is on!5 years of slowood - we're giving all loyalty members $500! Sign up here.
The party is on!5 years of slowood - we're giving all loyalty members $500! Sign up here.
滿$500 免運費
Ecology Acacia
由快速生長的天然金合歡木和再生不銹鋼製成,環保、耐用且可靠。耐熱從 -40 度到 270 度。
金合歡木的天然紋理和顏色意味著每件作品都有自己獨特的外觀。 這種材料會隨著使用而老化。 我們建議定期用植物油上油以確保使用壽命。 建議用溫肥皂水手洗並風乾。 不要浸泡。
Ecology --來自荷蘭人
Ecology 旨在樹立環保標杆,製造時尚、永恆的家居和廚房用品,這些產品非常適合家庭或廚房,經久耐用,採用快速生長的金合歡木材和耐用的再生不銹鋼。
Living a completely zero-waste lifestyle is not easy, but making small changes to the way you consume can be; tiny steps can make an impact if we take them together.
We've partnered with EcoCart so together, we can lower our carbon footprint. EcoCart utilizes a global network of reputable suppliers to sequester, reduce, and offset carbon emissions.
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