NEW: Slowood Company Snacking

by Slowood MKT

Are you a change maker in your company? Here's something for you! 

Take better care of your team whilst keeping in Mother Nature's good books. Slowood Company Snacking is Zero-Waste, we're helping you reduce plastic whilst offering treats that are healthy and delicious!

Our team deliver full 3000ml glass jars of snacks (over 30 to choose from!). Upon your next delivery we'll collect any jars that are empty and from there we wash, sanitise and re-use them.

We'll help you build your team's knowledge on Zero Waste and Circularity with a 30 minute intro talk to kick things off too - this is in partnership with the sustainable experts at Green Office Project.

In addition, we'll provide posters touching on Hong Kong's plastic problem and how your efforts are helping, QR codes directing to ingredients and nutritional information and a special discount for Slowood to share with your team.

Get snacking with us! Contact