SLOWOOD Central Market Opening

by Slowood MKT


SLOWOOD Central Market Opening 中環店開幕

We are so happy to announce that we are going to have our 4th concept store open at Central Market. It is our pleasure to have moved into such a meaningful historical building and introduce the sustainable grocery to the Central community.
In order to celebrate the opening of our new store, customers will get a Central Market exclusive tote bag and $50 coupon for FREE upon $400 online purchase.* 

See you all at Central Market!

為慶祝新店開幕,凡於 網店購物滿港幣$400,即可到 SLOWOOD 中環店免費獲取中環店限定環保袋一個以及$50優惠券一張*



***NOTICE: The above promotion ends on Sept 20, 2021 at 12noon. For purchase upon $400 which completed before the end time, please bring your order confirmation email and collect your gift at our Central Market store on or before Sept 30, 2021. While stock lasts.***

***通告: 上述優惠已於2021年9月20日中午12時完結,凡於完結前購物滿$400的顧客,請帶同訂單電郵,於2021年9月30日或以前到中環街市店領取禮品,數量有限,換完即止***


*Terms and conditions apply. Only available for purchase at and while stocks last. Free gift to be redeemed at SLOWOOD Central Market store. Please present the Order Confirmation Email of net purchase $400 or above to redeem the free gift at our counter.

*優惠受條款細則約束。只適用於 網店購物,數量有限,送完即止。免費限定禮品只限到 SLOWOOD 中環店換取。請出示網上$400或以上的訂單確認郵件去換取免費限定禮品。


Central Market Exclusive Tote Bag 中環店限定環保袋


📍Shop 231-233, 2/F, Central Market, 80 Des Vouex Road, Central