Bubble Tea

Sep 12, 2020

Ingredients (serve 4-6)

  • 1 Β½ c quick cook tapioca pearls
  • 1 1/2 c milkadamia Unsweetened (more depending on taste)
  • 1 1/2tsp agave
  • 2 c brewed black tea, chilled
  • 2 c mango juice, chilled
  • 2 c matcha tea, chilled

How to make

  1. Bring water and tapioca pearls to a boil, stirring occasionally. When water boils, reduce the heat and simmer about 10 minutes, stirring every few minutes.
  2. Turn off heat and let stand, covered about 8 to 10 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, in a saucepan on low, mix water and molasses, stirring to make a brown syrup. Set aside.
  4. Put the cooked tapioca pearls in a sieve to drain, liquid will be slightly gelatinous – drain off most of the liquid.
  5. Drop the translucent bubbles into the molasses syrup and heat on lowest temp/flame. To test to see when done, bite into one or two until you get the traditional bubble texture, slightly chewy. Takes about 10-15 minutes.
  6. Brew matcha and black tea. Ensure you brew it strong. When cooled, add 1/2 cup milk and agave.
  7. Combine mango juice with 1/2 cup of milk.

To serve

  1. Drop 2-4 tablespoons of bubbles in a glass.
  2. Pour cold milk tea/juice over the bubbles. Serve with straws.

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